Ray Peat on adrenalin

Adrenal Response to Inflammation and Stress Hormones

"When the organism detects the inflammation or other stress (possibly by sensing changes in blood sugar, lactic acid, or carbon dioxide, or all of them) its adrenal glands will secrete anti-stress hormones, including adrenalin and cortisone (assuming these glands are not exhausted or starved). Both adrenalin and cortisone can raise blood sugar to meet the increased need."

- Nutrition For Women


Blood Sugar as an Integrating Factor for Stress

"From my own experience, I am inclined to believe that blood sugar is an important integrating factor, and that the organism can probably sense small or rapid fluctuations that would be very hard to detect by the usual laboratory procedures. For example, males in particular are known to secrete adrenaline under the stress of having blood drawn, and this tends to raise the concentration of blood sugar."

- Nutrition For Women


Metabolic Effects of Caffeine and Adrenaline on Sugar and Fat Utilization

"Since both caffeine and adrenalin raise the metabolic rate, fat is presumably being consumed more rapidly. Adrenalin is known to raise blood sugar, apparently by inhibiting the utilization of glucose and increasing the utilization of fat. Coffee normally raises blood sugar, by its adrenalin-like effect."

- Nutrition For Women


Coffee and Adrenaline's Impact on Glycogen Depletion During Fasting

"during fasting, coffee and/ or adrenalin might speed the depletion of the glycogen reserves and thus speed the appearance of hypoglycemia."

- Nutrition For Women


The Influence of Vitamin C on Tyrosine Metabolism and Tissue Adrenaline Levels

"Tyrosine metabolism, which is involved in brain function, is sensitive to vitamin C; also. vitamin C maintains tissue adrenaline levels, possibly by inhibiting its oxidation, and adrenaline is necessary for the chalones to exert their function of inhibiting cell division."

- Nutrition For Women


Salty Snacks and Sleep Quality Improvement

"Salty snacks are especially helpful for bringing on sleep, probably by stabilizing blood glucose and lowering adrenalin. Ice cream, combining sugar, calcium, and some fat that prolongs the absorption of the sugar, is often effective for improving the quality of sleep."

- March 2018 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Hypothyroidism's Effect on Skin and Adrenaline Production

"Many hypothyroid people compensate with high adrenalin production (sometimes 40 times higher than normal), and this tends to keep the skin cool, especially on the hands, feet, and nose. The high adrenalin is the consequence of low blood glucose, so a feeding of carbohydrate, such as a glass of orange juice, will sometimes lower the pulse rate momentarily."

- Generative Energy Restoring The Wholeness Of Life


The Role of Adrenaline in Depression, Stress, and Inflammation

"Increased adrenaline, like increased cortisol, is a feature of depression, stress, and inflammation; mobilizing fats, it can become part of a vicious circle, in which free fatty acids cause insulin resistance, activating the stress reactions."

- 2001 - February


Estrogen's Unique Receptor Behavior and Tissue Interaction

"Estrogen’s action on many tissues increases the tissue’s ability to bind estrogen; estrogen induces its own receptor, in a_ self-stimulating, self-destabilizing process. This is unlike the behavior of other receptors, such as the adrenalin receptor, which is inactivated by increased exposure to adrenalin. This unusual interaction between tissue and hormone requires careful examination."

- 2000 - March


Hypothyroidism and Excess Adrenergic Nervous System Activity

"In hypothyroidism, the adrenergic nervous system tends to overactive, and adrenalin production is sustained at a high level even when there isn’t any external reason for it, since it is needed to maintain adequate blood sugar and energy, in the inefficient metabolic state of hypothyroidism."

- 2000 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Estrogen's Role in Free Fatty Acid Mobilization and Edema

"Adrenalin mobilizes free fatty acids from tissues, including fat and muscle tissues. Estrogen itself produces elevated free fatty acids. When the free fatty acids are unsaturated, they cause edema, by making blood vessels leaky,"

- 2000 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Thyroid's Role in Sleep and Energy Production

"Since I had become a sound sleeper as soon as I began taking thyroid, and had seen that thyroid alone would cure most people’s insomnia (sometimes, as one doctor described his experience, better than morphine) I began to understand that the adrenalin which disturbed sleep was an indicator of defective energy production, and that the things which restored sleep—thyroid, salt, sugar, protein, and progesterone, for example—were acting directly on the cells’ energy production."

- 2000 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Salt and Thyroid Effects on Blood Pressure and Sleep

"Since elevated adrenalin tends to raise blood pressure, I began explaining the effects of salt and thyroid to friends who were over 80. They found that they slept better, had more regular heartbeats, and didn’t suffer from swollen feet when they ate a normal amount of salt. Jt didn’t cause their blood pressure to rise."

- 2000 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Salty Foods at Bedtime for Sleep Improvement

"I have recommended salty foods at bedtime to promote sleep, because of sodiums recognized anti-adrenalin effect. There are some complicated ways of thinking about its effect on adrenalin, as there are for explaining its thermogenic effect, but the simple fact that it is needed for absorbing glucose can explain its ability to lower adrenalin (since adrenalin rises when glucose is needed) and to increase heat production."

- 1998 - Ray Peat's Newsletter - 4


Thyroid Hormones' Importance for Sustained Brain Energy

"Thyroid hormones are essential for providing the energy to keep the brain at a high energy level all the time. If these hormones are deficient, our nerves need stimulants to function normally, and our bodies ordinarily produce large amounts of adrenalin to keep us going. The result is that we gel tired and tense at the same time."

- 1994 - April - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Carbohydrates and Salt Influence on Brain Energy and Relaxation

"The brain is just like muscle, in having to restore its energy to relax. Many people have noticed that eating a lot of carbohydrate and/or salt makes them sleepy. Both salt and carbohydrate tend to lower adrenalin, and carbohydrate can also increase the activity of thyroid hormone, while restoring energy to the tissues."

- 1994 - April - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Effects of Stress on Glucose and Fat Utilization

"When tissue oxygenation is inadequate, glucose is depleted quickly. In prolonged stress, the liver’s gluconeogenic response to the glucocorticoids is depressed, as is its ability to form and Store glycogen. As glucose is less available, the amount of adrenalin in the blood rises, and fat is mobilized from storage as a substitule source of energy. Free fatty acids, especially unsaturated fats, are toxic to the mitochondrial respiratory system, blocking both the ability to use oxygen and the ability to produce energy. The increased use of fats, instead of glucase, causes lipid peroxidation to increase,"

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Adrenaline, Energy Production, and Recovery Impairment

"Glucose depletion leads to adrenalin secretion, which causes fat mobilization, calcium-activated overstimulation of cells, with impairment of the energy production which is necessary for recovery (by way of muscle relaxation and calcium excretion, etc.)."

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Adrenaline Secretion as a Compensatory Response in Hypothyroidism

"Low thyroid people compensate for the deficiency of energy and glucose (and of oxygen, for reasons similar to those mentioned above) by secreting an excess of adrenalin. Their 24-hour urine metabolites of adrenalin sometimes are 30 or 40 times normal."

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Reevaluating Cholesterol's Role in Heart Disease

"Considering the clear and well defined toxicity of adrenalin and free fatty acids, the role of cholesterol in heart disease begins to look sort of epiphenomenal."

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Calcium's Role in Cell Damage and Energy Depletion

"Calcium is a universal activator, but excess calcium is the central link in most types of cell damage. Calcium uptake and retention are promoted by adrenalin, histamine, vasopressin, energy depletion, and lipid peroxidation and by the activity of phospholipases; since calcium can activate phospholipases and lipid peroxidation, and interferes with energy production, vicious circles can develop."

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Adrenalin and Calcium's Role in Heart Disease and Clotting

"Excessive adrenalin and calcium also promote clotting, and ~ as the beta adrenergic receptors become desensitized - spasms in the coronary arteries. Altered blood vessel tone, which can be produced by serious stress, can cause venous pooling of blood, which synergizes with the impaired relaxation of the heart to cause cardiogenic shock."

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Systems That Counteract Adrenaline's Toxic Effects

"here are several systems that oppose the toxic effects of adrenalin. GABA, dopamine, and adenosine have multiple anti-adrenergic effects. In many situations, the parasympathetic system is protective against adrenalin. The protective steroids also act at many levels. Magnesium, retained in the ce)l largely under the influence of ATP and thyroid, is our basic calcium blocker, or calcium antagonist. GABA and dopamine inhibit the ACTH-glucccorticoid system, and shift the steroid balance toward the protective anti-glucocorticoids, progesterone, testosterone, pregnenolone, and DHEA."

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Corn Oil's Toxicity and Saturated Fats' Protective Effects

"Selye’s demonstration of corn oil’s toxicity to the heart is an important link | in the general picture of stress injury and adrenalin toxicity. The protective effects of saturated fats are not surprising when seen against the background of the toxic effects of adrenalin, causing the mobilization of fatty acids and the resulting lipid peroxdation."

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Thyroid Hormone's Effect on Sleep, Cramps, and Anxiety

"While many people think of thyroid as a kind of stimulant, because it can cure the coma or lethargy of myxedema, this is a very misleading idea. In hypothyroidism, the brain exciting hormones adrenalin, estrogen, and cortisol are usually elevated, and the nerve-muscle relaxant magnesium is low. Normal, deep sleep is rare in a hypothyroid person. The correct dose of trilodothyronine (the active thyroid hormone) with magnesium is a reliable treatment for insomnia, cramps, and anxiety, whether these symptoms are caused by fatigue, or aging, or alcohol withdrawal."

- 1991 - June- Ray Peat's Newsletter


Cortisol Levels in Darkness and Stress Response

"People who are awake in the dark have higher levels of cortisol than when they are asleep in the dark, that is, sleep is a partial defense against the stress of darkness. The cortisol (an adrenalin) secreted in darkness, or other stress, has the important function of maintaining the blood sugar level."

- 1991 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Herbal Antihistamine and Anticholinergic Effects on Blood Sugar

"I experimented with various herbs known to have antihistamine and anticholinergic action, with the thought that they would help to sustain blood sugar through the night. (For example, insulin secretion is stimulated by acetylcholine from cholinergic nerves, and lowering its action during the night would decrease the need for adrenalin and cortisol.) My best results so far have been with a combination of the mildly sedative Jimson weed and the stimulant Ephedra;in combination, it seems that their antihistamine and glucose sustaining effects predominate, allowing comfortable sleep without the dry-mouth effect of their anticholinergic action."

- 1991 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Estrogen-Induced Thyroid Issues and Compensatory Hormonal Adjustments

"Estrogen-induced thyroid hypofunction can be compensated to some degree by various hormonal adjustments; elevated secretion of adrenalin and cortisol are common. When the compensation is inadequate, there will often be hypoglycemia and a tendency to form too much histamine. Too much adrenalin will cause cold hands and feet, too little will cause orthostatic hypotension (blacking out when you stand up too quickly) and bowel spasms,"

- 1990 - August.September - Ray Peat's Newsletter