Ray Peat on antioxidants

Lifestyle Choices to Slow Aging and Enhance Longevity

"Altitude and a milk based diet are obviously two important thermogenic factors that slow the accumulation of harmful adaptations, but there are many other controllable factors that could extend longevity even more. Reducing inflammatory factors is important, and personal choices can make a big difference, for example choosing easily digestible foods to reduce endotoxin, avoiding the polyunsaturated fatty acids that interfere with cell respiration and form inflammatory prostaglandins, avoiding antioxidant supplements that create a reductive excess, and choosing foods that contain antiinflammatory-thermogenic compounds, such as citrus fruits with their high content of flavonoids that support cell respiratory functions."

- November 2020 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


High Altitude Therapy's Link to Antioxidant Activity

"The changes Meersons group has seen in high altitude therapy resemble the changes that occur during supplementation with thyroid and antioxidants. The lower concentration of oxygen in tissues at high elevation would increase the antioxidant reserves of the organism, making it more resistant to stress. Decreasing the use of dietary unsaturated fats similarly protects against oxidative stress."

- Mind And Tissue Russian Research Perspectives on the Human Brain


Vitamin D's Therapeutic Actions in Autism Treatment

"Vitamin D has a broad range of antioxidant and antiinflammatory actions that probably contribute to its therapeutic effects in autism"

- May 2018 - Ray Peats Newsletter


Questioning the Antioxidant Protection Theory

"The enzyme that degrades superoxide, superoxide dismutase (SOD), is sold as a health food supplement, following the cultural script that aging is caused by oxidative stress, and that antioxidants are protective. That view is being increasingly questioned, with the recognition of a reductive cellular state as a common factor in shock, stress, and degeneration."

- July 2019 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Alcohol's Antioxidant Benefits

"Small amounts of alcohol can have some good antioxidant effects,"

- Email Response by Ray Peat


Antioxidants and Their Role in Oxygen Utilization

"The biological value of the antioxidants is that they allow oxygen to be used productively, rather than destructively. When something interferes with the normal, productive use of oxygen, there is a great increase in the destructive forms of oxidation, such as lipid peroxidation, and the antioxidative reserves become crucial. That is, decreased respiration of the productive sort tends to increase the destructive use of oxygen."

- 1997 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Vitamin E's Role in Preventing Tissue Damage through Oxidation

"Antioxidants, especially vitamin E, prevent tissue damage by promoting normal oxidation."

- 1992 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Repeated paragraph, same title as above.

"Vitamin A regulates Iysosomes, and so a deficiency might promote the accumulation of intracellular debris. It is an antioxidant, and so a deficiency might tend to induce the stress-hypoxia proteins, and it is used massively in the synthesis of steroids (for example, progesterone supplementation spares vitamin A). But possibly most important is the de-differentiation that occurs in many cells in a vitamin A deficiency. In the skin and mucous membranes, a vitamin A deficiency acts like an excess of estrogen, to promote the formation of keratin."

- 1992 - August.September - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Copper's Importance in Mitochondrial Respiration and Aging

"Copper is an essential component of cytochrome oxidase, which has the crucial last position in the mitochondrial respiratory system. Copper is a component of the cytoplasmic SOD enzyme, which decreases with age. Ceruloplasmin, a major copper-containing protein, helps to keep iron in its safe oxidized form. Copper is involvedin the production of melanin (itself an antioxidant) and elastin. The loss of melanin, elastin, andrespiratory capacity, which s so characteristic of senescence, is also produced by excessive exposure to cortisol."

- 1990 - October - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Caffeine's Beneficial Effects on Thyroid and Inflammation

"I think some of the beneficial effects of caffeine result from its stimulation of the thyroid gland, and of normal respiration. While it stimulates normal respiration it has an anti-inflammatory action, which probably involves both prostaglandin regulation and an antioxidant action. It is chemically very similar to our natural antioxidant, uric acid, and it raises the level of uric acid in both the blood"

- 1990 - May - - Ray Peat's Newsletter