Ray Peat on copper

Copper's Synergistic Effects with Estrogen

"Copper seems to be synergic with estrogen, and could have a similar effect"

- Nutrition For Women


Nutritional and Hormonal Impacts on Cellular Respiration

"Various nutritional, hormonal, or toxic states interfere with respiration in different ways: for example, vitamin E deficiency, estrogen excess, toxic thyroid, and DNP (the formerly popular cancer-causing reducing drug) cause oxygen to be consumed without producing the normal amount of useful energy. Vitamin B2 or copper deficiency can prevent consumption of oxygen. Cancer (contrary to a tenacious establishment doctrine) involves a respiratory defect, and causes a tendency toward hypoglycemia which is often compensated by the conversion of protein to sugar, leading to the terminal wasting state (cachexia)"

- Nutrition For Women


Nutritional Relief for Copper or Estrogen Induced Tension

"Tension resulting from too much copper or estrogen can be relieved nutritionally. Usually a zinc supplement is necessary — about 20 mg. a day; about 30 mg. of vitamin B6 has been recommended for this problem, but the amount varies with the individual. The other B vitamins, and vitamins E and A should also be used."

- Nutrition For Women


Mental Health Connections to Hormonal and Metal Imbalances

"The high levels of copper, iron and lead which are found in many people with mental problems may be secondary to a hormone disturbance."

- Nutrition For Women


Copper's Oxidative Impact on Vitamin C and Diseases

"Copper is a specific oxidant for vitamin C. It is associated with many inflammatory diseases, and should probably be better investigated in degenerative diseases, including arthritis and glaucoma."

- Nutrition For Women


Zinc Deficiency Correlated with Excess Estrogen and Its Nutritional Implications

"A zinc deficiency is often associated with a deficiency of vitamin B6 and an excess of copper; since estrogen is associated with zinc loss, other nutrients including vitamin E and folic acid should be considered when the nails have white marks."

- Nutrition For Women


Nutritional Needs in Pregnancy and Impact on Development

"better nutrition before and during pregnancy and nursing makes a great difference in the babys mental and physical development. Young women who are pregnant should be especially careful to avoid low blood sugar. Older women will probably require a little more vitamin E, and should be especially sure that they arent getting a toxic amount of copper from their water supply or utensils."

- Nutrition For Women


Nutritional Needs Altered by Estrogen for Blood Sugar Maintenance and Pregnancy Health

"Vitamin E, vitamin A, and magnesium are other nutrients that help to maintain blood sugar. Vitamin B12 is needed to use vitamin A. Folic acid, vitamin B6, and zinc are depleted by elevated estrogen and are especially important for healthy pregnancy. Too much copper can lower blood sugar; too much iron can destroy vitamin E, and vitamin E deficiency can lead to jaundice, which can affect the babys brain."

- Nutrition For Women


Nutritional Changes During Pregnancy and Nursing

"Pregnancy and nursing increase all nutritional requirements, with the possible exception of vitamin D, copper and iron"

- Nutrition For Women


Copper Solution's Immediate Effects on Hair Pigmentation

"I found that applying a weak solution of copper just once would restore color immediately to eyebrows, or to about 10% of sideburn hairs,"

- Email Response by Ray Peat


Copper Deficiency and Cellular Iron Overload

"Copper deficient cells, for example in the heart, become overloaded with iron."

- 1994 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Aging Process: Heavy Metals, Fats, and Copper Loss

"The accumulation of iron and other heavy metals, and of unsaturated fats, and the progressive loss of copper under the influence of the stress of darkness, are probably the central events in the process of aging."

- 1991 - February.March - Ray Peat's Newsletter (1)


Visible Light's Role in Enzyme Regeneration

"ordinary visible light has several beneficial effects in animals. One effect is the regeneration of the enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), by causing its copper atom to be re-attached to the protein."

- 1990 - October - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Copper's Importance in Mitochondrial Respiration and Aging

"Copper is an essential component of cytochrome oxidase, which has the crucial last position in the mitochondrial respiratory system. Copper is a component of the cytoplasmic SOD enzyme, which decreases with age. Ceruloplasmin, a major copper-containing protein, helps to keep iron in its safe oxidized form. Copper is involvedin the production of melanin (itself an antioxidant) and elastin. The loss of melanin, elastin, andrespiratory capacity, which s so characteristic of senescence, is also produced by excessive exposure to cortisol."

- 1990 - October - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Copper Loss Linked to Aging and Lipofuscin Formation

"The replacement of the copper by iron (and the loss of the copper-enzymes which protect against iron catalyzed free radicals) probably accounts for the increased formation of lipofuscin during aging."

- 1990 - October - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Copper Supplementation's Effects on Longevity and Hair Color

"In animals, copper supplementation can restore natural color to white hair, and in one experiment, it increased longevity."

- 1990 - October - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Safety Concerns with Copper Supplementation

"At present, there isn’t enough knowledge about the safety of different ways of administering supplemental copper. It can be toxic, and it oxidizes other nutrients."

- 1990 - October - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Factors in Traditional Immunodeficiency Management

"Some of the factors that I have given attention to, in working with ordinary (i.e., complex, traditional) immunodeficiency — viz., a deficiency of the anti-glucocorticoid hormones, a dietary excess of iron and unsaturated fats, a nutritional deficiency of vitamin A, folic acid, copper, and protein, an exposure to pediculocides and other chlorinated hydrocarbons including dioxins, etc. —"

- 1989 - November - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Camphoric Acid as Copper Transporter for Brain and Lymphatics

"I wasinterestedin uging camphoric acid to transport copper, making it able toenter the brain and also causing it to be absorbed via the lymphatic system, by-passing the liver and thus allowing a large dose to be absorbed without injuring the liver."

- 1988 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Investigating Iron/Copper Balance in AIDS Immunity Research

"The close association between immunity and the balance of iron and copper suggests that the iron/copper ratio should be studied in AIDS."

- 1988 - June - Ray Peat's Newsletter