Ray Peat on digestion

Serotonin's Production and Body Defense Mechanisms

"The great majority of the body’s serotonin is produced in the intestine, where the tissue is constantly exposed to foreign material such as endotoxin, but all cells in the body can produce serotonin and histamine during stress, and the blood platelets are one of the body’s defenses against serotonin; they can sequester it and carry it to the lungs for destruction. The lungs have a great capacity to oxidize it."

- September 2019 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Harmful Substances in Leaves Impeding Nutrient Digestion

"Leaves contain many substances that can be harmful and that interfere with the digestion of protein and other nutrients, for example tannins and polyunsaturated fatty acids."

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Blood and Liver's Buffering Role in Nutrient Transport

"The blood and the liver act as a buffer between the intestine and the various specialized tissues and organs, with the serum albumin having a major function in binding and transporting a variety of nutrients and potential toxins."

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Digestive Benefits and Protective Components of Milk

"its functions begin in the digestive system, with an instructive and supportive action, preparing the intestine’s defenses against the environment. The plant substances that are destroyed in the rumen—tannins, lignin, and PUFA—are cumulatively toxic to the intestine. Besides being nearly free of these, milk contains substances that promote the absorption of essential nutrients, though it might be better to think of it as providing nutrients without things that injure the intestine and interfere with the absorption of nutrients."

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Slow Food Digestion Promotes Intestinal Bacterial Growth

"When a food isn’t quickly digested by the animal, it supports the growth of bacteria in the intestine."

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Stress and Endotoxin: Inflammatory Reactions and Aromatase Activation

"Endotoxin absorbed from the intestine during stress promotes many inflammatory reactions, and activates aromatase"

- November 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Glucose's Protective Role in Intestinal Health During Stress

"Intense or prolonged stress injures the intestine, damaging its barrier function, and allowing bacterial toxins, especially endotoxin, to be absorbed into the blood stream. Glucose is the critical factor in protection of the intestinal epithelium during stress"

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Endotoxin's Role in Activating Inflammatory Processes

"The endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide, has a general excitatory effect effect that activates cell inflammatory processes and damages energy production, with the mediation of cell products such as nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, serotonin, histamine, prostaglandins, estrogens, and various cytokines (interleukins and tumor necrosis factor,TNF). Some of these substances enter the blood stream from the intestine, others are produced elsewhere in the body, but some are produced in the brain itself, when endotoxin is absorbed into the brain"

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Progesterone Shields Organs

"All of the organs affected by brain injury--kidneys, lungs, intestine, heart, liver, blood vessels, thymus, bones and bone marrow, endocrine glands--are protected by progesterone."

- March 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Intestinal Stress Effects Overlooked

"While the effects of stress on the intestine have been recognized since Hans Selye described the general adaptation syndrome (with intestinal bleeding as an early sign of stress), that hasnt been taken into account in any of the large brain trauma or stroke studies."

- March 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Brain-Inflammation Link to Organs

"The inflammatory, degenerative processes in the brain take a few hours to develop, and during these few hours the stress signals from the brain are causing changes in the intestine that lead to a systemic inflammatory state"

- March 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Oral Progesterone: Appropriate Response to Severe Stress

"Giving progesterone orally would seem to be appropriate for any serious stress, since the intestine quickly becomes an amplifier of the inflammatory reactions."

- March 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Serotonin's Journey: Intestine to Brain Effects

"events in the intestine, where most serotonin is produced, in the blood where it’s transported, and in the lung, where much of it is detoxified, will affect the brain. Toxins produced by intestinal bacteria cause serotonin to be released into the bloodstream, and if the platelets aren’t able to keep it tightly bound until the lungs can eliminate it, some of it will reach the brain, where it will interfere with sleep and other brain functions."

- July 2019 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Therapeutic Potentials of Carbon Dioxide Usage

"Direct use of carbon dioxide is likely to be helpful in all the situations that are known to be benefitted by acetazolamide, without the risk of allergy to that drug—traumatic brain edema, mountain sickness, osteoporosis, epilepsy, glaucoma, hyperactivity (ADHD), inflammation, polyps of the intestine, and arthritis. Diabetes, cardiomyopathy (Torella, et al., 2014), obesity (Arechederra, et al., 2013), cancer, dementia and psychosis are also likely to benefit."

- July 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Julien de la Mettrie's Physiology Based on Organ Function

"Thinking of several kinds of biological facts, including the intrinsic motility or irritability of the intestine and heart, and the regeneration of the hydra from small fragments, Julien de la Mettrie proposed a new kind of physiology, based on the idea of organization. He suggested that thought was as natural for an organ with the structure of the brain, as beating was for the heart. He considered thought to be perfectly compatible with organized matter,"

- Generative Energy Restoring The Wholeness Of Life


Intestinal Irritation Link to Tinnitus Through Endotoxin

"anything that irritates the intestine can cause tinnitus by increasing endotoxin absorption."

- Email Response by Ray Peat


Mechnikov's Theories on Aging, Phagocytes, and Bacterial Toxins

"Although Mechnikov believed that the phagocytes were responsible for the atrophy of aging, he also believed that bacterial toxins from the intestine dominated the aging process."

- 1992 - August.September - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Increasing Organism's Adaptive Capacity Against Toxins

"Aging, stress, and heavy consumption of alcohol increase the permeability of the intestine, causing increased absorption of microbial toxins. Laxatives, carrot fiber (not carrot juice), activated charcoal, and a small amount of sodium thiosulfate decrease the formation and absorption of toxins, increasing the organism’s adaptive capacity. Belladonna can improve the bowel’s function if there ave spasms during drug withdrawal."

- 1991 - June- Ray Peat's Newsletter


Aging, Hormonal Changes, and Gut Flora Balance

"The altered hormonal environment and weakened digestion of an aging organism create a new balance between the animal and the bowel flora, sometimes allowing the proliferation of more toxic flora."

- 1991 - February.March - Ray Peat's Newsletter (1)


Toxic Effects of Unsaturated Oils on Health and Metabolism

"Research showing the toxic effects of unsaturated oils goes back more than 60 years. A 1985 article published in my newsletter cites some of the key references. These substances inhibit many enzymes (e.g., in digestion, in immunity, in clot removal, in thyroid function), they disrupt mitochondrial energy production, and they interfere with communication between cells. We hear very little about these toxic effects, and there is not much money available for more research in these areas."

- 1989 - February.March - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Cortisol's Destructive Excess on Intestinal Enzymes and Allergies

"Although a physiologically balanced amount of cortisol induces enzymes of detoxification, for example in the intestine, an unopposed excess causes destruction of these enzymes, eliminating much of the intestine’s barrier function, and leading to allergies.? This action of cortisol against the thymus and against the bowel’s detoxifying enzymes very likely accounts for the common association of allergies with virus infections. Since cortisol has a destabilizing, pro-convulsant effect on the nervous system, there are likely to be psychological symptoms — anything from compulsive behavior to depression or seizures — associated with the other chronic conditions."

- 1988 - August.September - Ray Peat's Newsletter