Ray Peat on folic acid

Nutritional Needs for Regulating Estrogen and Thyroid Function

"Besides the nutrients needed to regulate the estrogen level (protein and B vitamins) and nutrients needed by the thyroid (e.g., iodine, manganese, and cobalt), special attention should be given to the anti-stress vitamins which are involved in progesterone synthesis (vitamin A, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E) and to the nutrients that are known to be wasted by excess estrogen: folic acid, zinc, and vitamin B6, particularly."

- Nutrition For Women


Circulatory Benefits of Vitamins Folic Acid and Niacin

"Other vitamins that can improve circulation by opening the small blood vessels are folic acid and niacin. Vitamin C can help to eliminate toxins that could contribute to high blood pressure."

- Nutrition For Women


Folic Acid's Role in Red and White Blood Cell Function

"Folic acid, known for its ability to cure some anemias (red blood cell deficiency) also improves the function of white blood cells, improving antibody production. It is also possibly involved in a non- antibody process which allows white blood cells to destroy virus, fungi, and other parasites."

- Nutrition For Women


Zinc Deficiency Correlated with Excess Estrogen and Its Nutritional Implications

"A zinc deficiency is often associated with a deficiency of vitamin B6 and an excess of copper; since estrogen is associated with zinc loss, other nutrients including vitamin E and folic acid should be considered when the nails have white marks."

- Nutrition For Women


Nutritional Therapy and Hormonal Support for Abnormal Pap Smears

"Many women with abnormal Pap smears, even with a biopsy showing the so-called carcinoma in situ, have returned to normal in just two months with a diet including the following: 90 grams of protein, 500 mg. of magnesium as the chloride, 100,000 units of vitamin A, 400 units of vitamin E, 5 mg. of folic acid, 100 mg. of pantothenic acid, 100 mg. of B6, 100 mg. of niacinamide, and 500 mg. of vitamin C, with thyroid and progesterone as needed. Liver should be eaten twice a week. Some of the women apply vitamin A directly to the cervix."

- Nutrition For Women


Nutritional Needs Altered by Estrogen for Blood Sugar Maintenance and Pregnancy Health

"Vitamin E, vitamin A, and magnesium are other nutrients that help to maintain blood sugar. Vitamin B12 is needed to use vitamin A. Folic acid, vitamin B6, and zinc are depleted by elevated estrogen and are especially important for healthy pregnancy. Too much copper can lower blood sugar; too much iron can destroy vitamin E, and vitamin E deficiency can lead to jaundice, which can affect the babys brain."

- Nutrition For Women


Folic Acid's Importance in Cell Proliferation and Differentiation

"Folic acid is so important for proliferation and differentiation that I think its worthwhile to take about 5 mg. daily for a week or two."

- 1992 - December - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Factors in Traditional Immunodeficiency Management

"Some of the factors that I have given attention to, in working with ordinary (i.e., complex, traditional) immunodeficiency — viz., a deficiency of the anti-glucocorticoid hormones, a dietary excess of iron and unsaturated fats, a nutritional deficiency of vitamin A, folic acid, copper, and protein, an exposure to pediculocides and other chlorinated hydrocarbons including dioxins, etc. —"

- 1989 - November - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Folic Acid and B Vitamins' Usage in Rapid Cell Division

"In rapid cell division, and in estrogen excess, folic acid and other B vitamins are used rapidly, so a supplement might be useful. I have usually suggested a dose of one to ten milligrams of folic acid daily for a few weeks, with liver two or three times a week for the other vitamins."

- 1988 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter