Ray Peat on intelligence

Stress Hormones, Nutrition, and Longevity

"The hormones of stress age various tissues, including the brain, and the collagen in connective tissue. Good nutrition, including the anti-stress substances found in certain foods, will simultaneously optimize intelligence and increase the healthy life-span."

- Nutrition For Women


Language's Influence on Devaluing Animal Intelligence

"If we believe that language and logic are the source of knowledge, we will devalue our own animal intelligence, and in doing this we become susceptable to the clichés and doctrines that have been deliberately built into our culture."

- May 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


McClintock’s Research on Viral Evolution and Epigenetics (Duplicate paragraph, same title applies)

"A simple shift of perspective can solve some old puzzles, such as how millions of species of viruses came to exist, since viruses can’t reproduce themselves without the organisms they infect, and why our cells would retain such an immense amount of useless or harmful DNA, if our DNA has evolved by the elimination of the parts that didn’t contribute to fitness. McClintock’s work has led to an answer to those questions, as well as a basis for understanding the intelligence of epigenetics and the inheritance of adaptations. The dark DNA functions during embryonic development, mediating effects of the intrauterine environment"

- March 2021 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Larger Brain Correlates with Intelligence, Longevity

"In animals generally, a larger brain is associated not only with higher intelligence, but with greater longevity"

- January 2018 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


The Development of Intelligence Through Interaction and Learning

"Our intelligence develops as we grow into the world, such as it is, and our world includes things that we learn about, and the people that we learn from"

- Generative Energy Restoring The Wholeness Of Life


Environmental Influences Ignored by Genetic Reductionist School

"Although many kinds of experiments showed both prenatal and transgenerational influences of the environment on intelligence, body proportions, andrate of aging, the genetics reductionist school ignored them, and defined themselves as the only scientific school of biology."

- 1990 - October - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Delayed Puberty's Potential Benefits from Animal Studies

"If we can generalize from animal studies, delaying puberty could increase brain size and longevity, improve intelligence, decrease violence, and even make people physically more attractive"

- 1990 - October - Ray Peat's Newsletter