Ray Peat on milk

Milk's Influence on Parathyroid Hormone and Optimal Levels

"Drinking milk lowers parathyroid hormone, relative to the diets that chronically stimulate its production. There has been very little attention given to the optimal level of parathyroid hormone, as opposed to the normal range."

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Digestive Benefits and Protective Components of Milk

"its functions begin in the digestive system, with an instructive and supportive action, preparing the intestine’s defenses against the environment. The plant substances that are destroyed in the rumen—tannins, lignin, and PUFA—are cumulatively toxic to the intestine. Besides being nearly free of these, milk contains substances that promote the absorption of essential nutrients, though it might be better to think of it as providing nutrients without things that injure the intestine and interfere with the absorption of nutrients."

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Milk Consumption Linked to Lower Dementia Risk

"There have been several studies showing that drinking milk protects against dementia or milder cognitive impairment (Kliem and Givens, 2011; Crichton, et al., 2010; Chan, et al, 2013; Ahmadian-Attari, et al, 2014; Ozawa, et al., 2014)."

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Low-Fat Milk Safety Compared to Full-Fat in Polluted Environments

"When animals are exposed to pollution, their fats accumulate oil soluble toxins, such as DDT and dioxins, and in those situations low-fat milk will be safer than full-fat milk or cheese. Nevertheless, milk fat generally contains a lower level of toxins than body fat and fat meats."

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Environmental Influence on Physical Development

"When our environment shrinks, when there isnt enough food, we can adapt, for example by replacing muscle with fat and by having small-brained babies (the brain is an expensive organ, energetically, though its efficiency increases with its expense). When our environment meets our needs our brains and muscles expand. The lower leg (like the brain) is a good indicator of environmental support: parents who grew up in a population which has atrophied-looking lower legs can have children with beautifully developed legs, when milk becomes abundantly available."

- Nutrition For Women


Dietary Influence on Thyroid Function and Food Comparisons

"When we eat large amounts of muscle meats or liver the high concentration of cysteine suppresses the thyroid. Heart, eggs, skin (gelatin) and milk are more favorable to the thyroid. Other anti-thyroid foods are peanuts, soybeans, raw cabbage, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, unsaturated oils (such as safflower, corn, cottonseed, and soy oils), and an excess of iodine."

- Nutrition For Women


Honey and Milk's Benefits for Liver Glycogen

"Two or three tablespoonfuls of honey in a glass of milk will provide some magnesium, as well as sugar to increase the livers stored glycogen"

- Nutrition For Women


The Link Between Tryptophan, Serotonin, Prolactin, and Acne

"Since tryptophan promotes formation of serotonin which stimulates release of prolactin, and prolactin activates the formation of sebum (oil) by the skin, large amounts of milk could promote a tendency toward acne, when there is a deficiency of B6, thyroid, progesterone, etc."

- Nutrition For Women


Shift in American Perception of Human Milk Benefits

"About 1973, some Americans began discovering that human milk is good for human babies, and helps prevent diseases. It is not going to be so easy now to convince American women that the best nutrition for their babies comes from a formula, of cows milk, sugar, and vegetable oil."

- Nutrition For Women


Early Exposure to Non-Human Milk and Allergy Development

"Since dietary proteins can get into the blood, early feeding of non-human milk would seem most likely to promote the development of allergies."

- Nutrition For Women


Milk Improves Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio but Lacks Magnesium

"Using a large amount of milk improves the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, but doesnt supply enough magnesium to prevent tooth decay, heart trouble, and cramps."

- Nutrition For Women


Heat Processing and its Effect on Protein Quality

"Heat degrades protein. Canned or powdered milk has lost significant amounts of lysine, an important component of protein."

- Nutrition For Women


Lifestyle Choices to Slow Aging and Enhance Longevity

"Altitude and a milk based diet are obviously two important thermogenic factors that slow the accumulation of harmful adaptations, but there are many other controllable factors that could extend longevity even more. Reducing inflammatory factors is important, and personal choices can make a big difference, for example choosing easily digestible foods to reduce endotoxin, avoiding the polyunsaturated fatty acids that interfere with cell respiration and form inflammatory prostaglandins, avoiding antioxidant supplements that create a reductive excess, and choosing foods that contain antiinflammatory-thermogenic compounds, such as citrus fruits with their high content of flavonoids that support cell respiratory functions."

- November 2020 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Mitigating Excessive Serotonin's Harmful Effects

"Avoiding prolonged fasting and stressful exercise that increase free fatty acids, and combining sugars with proteins to keep free fatty acids low, and using aspirin, niacinamide, or cyproheptadine to reduce the formation of free fatty acids by unavoidable stress, avoiding an excess of phosphate relative to calcium in the diet, having milk and other antistress foods at bedtime or during the night, and being in a brightly lighted environment during the day, with regular sunlight exposure, can minimize the harmful effects of excessive serotonin and reduce the inflammation, fibrosis, and atrophy associated with it."

- July 2019 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Defense Mechanisms Against Nitric Oxide: The Nutritional Angle

"Some of the most important anti-nitric oxide defenses are progesterone, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A, niacinamide, coffee, aspirin, and foods containing flavonoids, terpenoids, polyphenols, and sterols. Grass-fed milk contains a variety of polyphenols. Citrus fruits, many tropical fruits (e.g., guavas, longans, and lychees), and cooked mushrooms are good sources of apigenin, naringenin and related chemicals."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Dietary Alternatives Before Considering Cytomel Supplementation

"Before using a Cytomel (T3) supplement, it might be possible to solve the problem with diet alone. A piece of fruit or a glass of juice or milk between meals, and adequate animal protein (or potato protein) in the diet is sometimes enough to allow the liver to produce the hormone."

- Generative Energy Restoring The Wholeness Of Life


Tuberculosis and Cancer: Structural Similarities in Tissue

"In looking at a tissue slide that was used to diagnose ductal carcinoma in situ, [I noticed that the structures resembled cross-sections of tubercles. In the breast ducts, fatty residues from milk secretions should be able to stimulate cell division. The fats formed by the tuberculosis bacillus stimulate the cellular reaction that produces the tubercle structure. Since a tuberculous breast grossly resembles a cancerous breast, tt is important that the possible structural similarity of the two diseases, under the microscope, be considered."

- 1995 - September Ray Peat's Newsletter


Benefits of Short and Medium-Chain Saturated Fatty Acids

"Short and medium-chain saturated fatty acids provide a safe source of energy, as well as having hormone-like and adaptogenic effects. The short-chain saturated fatty acids are important in regulating bowel flora. Mechnikovs idea of altering the flora with cultured milk was on the right track, but much more needs to be done on bacterial nutrition and toxin formation."

- 1992 - August.September - Ray Peat's Newsletter