Ray Peat on nitric oxide

Spreading Damage Through Bystander Effects

"Severe stresses in one part of the body spread their influence through the body, in the process now called the bystander or off-target effect. Serotonin, nitric oxide, and ATP are among the substances that are known to spread damage"

- September 2019 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Questioning Neodarwinism Through Hormetic Toxin Analysis

"If toxins such as CO and NO are beneficial, hormetically, when they occur in city air, then obviously they must be very beneficial when they are produced in the body by enzymes, which evolved through the natural selection of things that supported survival—there is a clear Panglossian aspect to neodarwinism, everything exists because of its fitness."

- November 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Thymus Gland Atrophy: Causes and Restorative Agents

"Some of the factors that cause atrophy of the thymus gland include cortisol and other glucocorticoid hormones, estrogen, prostaglandins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide, endotoxin, hypoglycemia, and ionizing radiation. Progesterone and thyroid hormone support restoration of the thymus gland, providing protection by opposing all of those agents of atrophy. An increase of sugar in the diet can correct some of the metabolic changes of aging"

- November 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Nitric Oxide in Treating Coronavirus and Its Consequences

"Nitric oxide is a powerful oxidant that can destroy viruses, and it happens to dilate blood vessels. Doctors have almost unanimously recommended it to treat the corona virus infection; however, it is associated with inflammation (Weidinger, et al., 2015), and promotes fibrosis, and fibrosis is a sequela of coronavirus disease."

- May 2020 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Exhaled Nitric Oxide and High Altitude Sickness Correlation

"An increased amount of nitric oxide in the exhaled breath is a clear predisposing factor for high altitude sickness"

- May 2020 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Stress, Metabolic Energy, and System Integration

"The stimulation of CRH production by histamine, serotonin, endorphins, IL-1, nitric oxide, and/or estrogen in good health leads to the activation of complex and appropriate antistress reactions. When stress is very intense or prolonged, or if nutrition hasn’t been adequate, all of the activating signals, CRH itself, and the antistress glucocorticoids, can produce effects that aren’t integrated into the organism’s functions as it confronts its problems, and that produce symptoms and, eventually, degenerative processes and aging. That failure of integration is almost always the result of insufficient metabolic energy."

- May 2019 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Environmental Factors Potentially Contributing to Autism

"Things in the environment, or substances produced in reactions to environmental stress, that might cause autism, include prenatal and neonatal exposure to radiation, including isotopes from the power industry, bomb testing, Chernobyl, and Fukushima; exposure to air pollution, including nitrogen oxides, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and particles (Jung, et al., 2013); aluminum (Mold, et al., 2018), lead, mercury, manganese, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, manganese, and nickel (Windham, et al, 2006); acetaminophen, infections, endotoxin, exogenous and endogenous estrogens, hypothyroidism, progesterone deficiency, agmatine deficiency, serotonin excess, endogenous nitric oxide (Sweeten, et al., 2004), and vitamin D deficiency."

- May 2018 - Ray Peats Newsletter


The Impact of Various Factors on Mitochondrial Oxygen Use

"‘When cells are respiring vigorously, all of the oxygen reaching the mitochondria is immediately used, so the oxygen concentration near the respiratory enzymes is close to zero. If something interferes with the mitochondrial oxygen consumption (for example lack of thyroid hormone or the presence of too much polyunsaturated fat, or nitric oxide, or carbon monoxide), the local oxygen concentration increases, because it isn’t being used."

- March 2021 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Endotoxin's Role in Activating Inflammatory Processes

"The endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide, has a general excitatory effect effect that activates cell inflammatory processes and damages energy production, with the mediation of cell products such as nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, serotonin, histamine, prostaglandins, estrogens, and various cytokines (interleukins and tumor necrosis factor,TNF). Some of these substances enter the blood stream from the intestine, others are produced elsewhere in the body, but some are produced in the brain itself, when endotoxin is absorbed into the brain"

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


The Diverse Influences and Impact of Nitric Oxide

"Nitric oxide, like endotoxin and rotenone, is a powerful inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration. Endotoxin and other harmful stimuli can increase the formation of nitric oxide, but it’s also produced in the normal excitatory processes of nerves, and with an excess of excitation relative to energy production and inhibitory influences, it can become the central agent of excitotoxicity."

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Hypoglycemia Inducing Excitotoxicity via Nitric Oxide

"Hypoglycemia activates the excitatory glutamatergic system, leading to increased nitric oxide, which, in the presence of an energy deficit, produces excitotoxicity."

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Nitric Oxide Induces Metabolic Shift to Glycolysis

"Nitric oxide, even in the presence of oxygen, causes a metabolic shift to glycolysis, wastefully producing lactate from glucose"

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Parkinson's Disease: Iron, Nitric Oxide, and Prostaglandins Increase

"In people with Parkinson’s disease, increased amounts of iron, nitric oxide, and prostaglandins have been observed."

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Age-Related Brain Changes Enhanced by Estrogen

"With aging, iron and the polyunsaturated fats accumulate in the brain. Estrogen slows the removal of dopamine, increasing its opportunity to react toxically with iron and highly unsaturated fats, especially arachidonic acid and DHA; it also tends to increase the formation of prostaglandins and nitric oxide. Progesterone’s opposite effects probably account for the lower prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in women than in men."

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Evaluating L-DOPA and Alternative Treatments for Parkinson's

"Despite its toxicity, L-DOPA continues to be the main medical treatment for Parkinson’s disease, though the more appropriate drugs bromocriptine, amantadine, and memantine are also widely used. Anticholinergics, similar to the hyoscyamine and belladonna that Charcot used, are sometimes used to control excessive salivation. Amantadine and memantine happen to protect against nitric oxide, serotonin, inflammation, and endotoxin, and to protect mitochondria."

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Stress Buffers: Substances that Help Keep Metabolism on Track

"Several of these substances inhibit the liberation of free fatty acids and prostaglandin formation, and reduce nitric oxide, lactate production, inflammation, excitation and cholinergic tone, and what they all have in common is supporting a shift away from a highly reduced condition, a shift toward an oxidized-energized balance."

- March 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Various Substances Increasing Breathing, Reducing Essential CO2

"Besides ammonia and lactate, other stress related substances can also increase the drive to breathe more, depleting the essential CO2—endotoxin, acetylcholine, serotonin, hydrogen sulfide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, angiotensin, and estrogen, for example."

- July 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Reductive Stress Triggers Restorative Cellular Processes

"Reductive stress activates multiple layers of restorative processes (alternatives to the protective functions of carbon dioxide) to stimulate breathing, increase circulation, provide energy and materials for renewing cell structures. Prostaglandins, cytokines, estrogen, and nitric oxide are produced in coordinated ways, and cellular behaviors are changed defensively. The structures of the cell skeleton are modified, as the reductive chemistry changes protein disulfides to sulfhydryls, changing shapes and, most importantly, the solvent properties of the cell material."

- July 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Enzymatic Destruction of Active Hormones

"The active thyroid hormone, T3, is destroyed locally by a specific deiodinase, prostaglandins are produced by cyclooxygenase, estrogen by aromatase, and nitric oxide by its synthase. These enzymes are activated by chemical reduction of their disulfide groups, converting them to thiols,"

- July 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Aspirin and Inflammation: The Lesser-Known Pro-Oxidant Effect

"The fact that the inflammation-promoting enzymes, aromatase, cyclooxygenase, and nitric oxide synthase, which are inhibited by an oxidizing environment are also inhibited by aspirin, would strongly suggest that aspirin and salicylic acid are functioning as pro-oxidants."

- July 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Reductive Stress and Its Self-Reinforcing Biochemical Cycles

"he reductive state, resulting from starvation or hypoglycemia, or an excess of lactate or fat, or oxygen deprivation, activates the release of glutamate, and the excitation produced by that can shut off mitochondrial oxidation, reinforcing the state of pseudohypoxia. Nitric oxide synthesis, activated by reductive stress, is a major factor in the suppression of mitochondrial oxidation."

- January 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Rethinking Nitric Oxide's Role in Cellular Stress

"If we called nitric oxide an anti-respiratory pro-inflammatory substance produced mostly by stressed cells, we would be very cautious about medical techniques to increase its production."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Nitric Oxide: Central Factor in Shock State Dynamics

"nitric oxide was a central factor in the shock state, and that inhibiting its formation could alleviate the shock state. The state of shock was often called circulatory failure, from excessive vasodilation, s0 it was easy to see a role for the vasodilator nitric oxide in circulatory collapse;"

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Nitric Oxide's Overlooked Mitochondrial Oxygen Inhibition

"Only an extremely small minority of publications on the physiology of nitric oxide are concerned with the fact that it inhibits mitochondrial use of oxygen for energy production"

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Estrogen, Injury, and Energy Metabolism

"The remarkable fact that both estrogen and nitric oxide are produced by practically any injury has seldom been mentioned, and their closely related effects on energy metabolism have been generally ignored."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Adaptive Role of Estrogen in Hibernation

"Estrogens increase of nitric oxide and/or hydrogen sulfide is adaptive for a hibernating animal, reducing its body temperature and metabolic rate"

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Epigenetic Changes from Stress Adaptation

"In all of these conditions of stress adaptation, epigenetic modifications of DNA are involved, with nitric oxide participating, with estrogen and other hormones, in methylation of DNA and modification of histones, and a variety of other biochemical lingering modifications."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Nitric Oxide: The Double-Edged Sword in Metabolic Regulation

"itric oxide blocks the ability to use sugar, but it slows metabolism, so it could serve to adjust the size of developing organs, to allow survival when fuel is less abundant."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Thyroid Hormone Balances Metabolism

"Since the metabolic rate must be in balance with the availability of fuel, the thyroid hormone, which directly activates the respiratory enzymes, is especially important. Just as it wouldnt be possible for an animal to hibernate in a hyperthyroid state, a basic mechanism for dealing with stress in non-hibernators is to lower the production of thyroid hormone. Nitric oxide blocks the formation of thyroid hormone in response to thyroid stimulating hormone"

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


The Double-Edged Role of Nitric Oxide

"Although a primitive adaptive mechanism such as nitric oxide can be useful for a species, it can be harmful for individuals."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


The Metabolic Aftermath of Nitric Oxide Exposure

"a diabetes-like state is created by nitric oxide damage, forcing the use of fatty acids instead of glucose for fuel."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Nitric Oxide's Role in Reductive Stress and Impaired Glucose Oxidation

"When a particular cell or tissue becomes highly reduced, nitrate and nitrite can be converted to nitric oxide, leading to a vicious circle of blocked glucose oxidation and a more reductive condition."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Age-Related Muscle Loss, Fat Gain, and Insulin Sensitivity

"Some of the obvious changes of aging, such as loss of muscle (Martinez-Moreno, et al., 2007) and gain of fat (Bahadoran, et al., 2015) and decreased sensitivity to insulin (Ropelle, et al., 2013), are produced by increased nitric oxide."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


ApoE4 and Alzheimer's Disease Risk

"people with an abnormal lipoprotein, apoE4, are more likely to develop Alzheimers disease, and that abnormal protein is known to cause increased production of NO ("

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Nitric Oxide's Indirect Heart Activity via Parasympathetics

"Nitric oxide has an action on the heart that isnt directly related to the blood vessels. When the parasympathetic nerves act on the heart, slowing and weakening its contractions, they are releasing nitric oxide, which reduces the hearts oxygen consumption as well as its energy production."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Reductive Stress and Parasympathetic Nerve Effects

"Ordinarily, parasympathetic nerves produce relaxation, but in a situation of prolonged or inescapable stress, intensified parasympathetic action and accumulation of nitric oxide, the state of reductive stress, pseudohypoxia,"

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Interconnected Biochemical Responses

"estrogen, nitric oxide, prostaglandins, and parasympathetic nerve activity commonly occur simultaneously, and it happens that a substance which inhibits one of those will often inhibit the others."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Serotonin and Nitric Oxide's Toxic Effects on Brain Cells

"Serotonin doesnt cure depression, and both serotonin and nitric oxide impair circulation and are toxic to brain cells. Both of them poison mitochondrial respiration."

- 2001 - February


Glycolysis, Pyruvate, and Mitochondrial Function in Cells

"Glycolysis produces both pyruvate and lactate, and excessive pyruvate produces almost the same inhibitory effect as lactate; since the Crabtree effect involves nitric oxide and fatty acids as well as calcrum, I think it is reasonable to look for the simplest sort of explanation, instead of trying to experimentally trace all the possible interactions of these substances; a simple physical competition between the products of glycolysis and carbon dioxide, for the binding sites, such as lysine, that would amount to a phase change in the mitochondrion."

- 2000 - July


Glucose, Glycolysis, and Energy Production in Cells

"Glucose, and apparently glycolysis, are required for the production of nitric oxide, as for the accumulation of calcium, at least in some types of cell, and these coordinated changes, which lower energy production. could be produced by a reduction in carbon dioxide, in a physical change even more basic than the energy level represented by ATP The use of Krebs cycle substances in the synthesis of amino acids, and other products, would decrease the formation of CO2, creating a situation in which the system would have two possible states, one, the glycolytic stress state, and the other, the carbon dioxide producing energy-efficient state."

- 2000 - July


Estrogen's Influence on Histamine, Serotonin, and Edema

"Histamine and serotonin and other inflammatory factors released by estrogen are known to contribute to its ability to produce edema. The excess nitric oxide produced under the influence of estrogen probably contributes to some edematous, inflammatory, and degenerative conditions."

- 2000 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Excitotoxic Damage and Protective Role of Carbon Dioxide

"Histamine release, nitric oxide, and carbon monoxide are broadly involved in excitotoxic damage, and carbon dioxide tends to be protective against these, too."

- 1999 - December- Ray Peat's Newsletter