Ray Peat on potassium

Stress Management Through Nutritional and Environmental Correction

"In general, stress should be met first by correcting the defect, which may be environmental or nutritional. Increased nutritional needs usually include protein and fat; acute hypoglycemia may require a large amount of sugar, and this suggests that the adrenals may be depleted, in which case pantothenic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium and potassium should be provided in addition to other nutrients."

- Nutrition For Women


Importance of Potassium in Diabetic Sugar Utilization

"Potassium is necessary for utilization of sugar, and should probably always be tried as a supplement in the diabetic diet"

- Nutrition For Women


Cancer's Effect on Stress Hormones and Nutrient Needs

"Cancer overstimulates the anti -stress adrenocortical hormones, and usually produces extreme wasting from mobilization of fat and protein; blood sugar and glycogen storage are disturbed. During or after cancer treatment the hypoglycemia diet seems desirable: frequent small feedings, liver (or similar nutrients), magnesium, potassium. Vitamins A, E, C, and pantothenic acid are particularly important in stress, but all nutrients are necessary."

- Nutrition For Women


Nutrient Needs in Stress Resistance and Recovery

"Stress apparently increases a persons need for all nutrients including calories and protein. The vitamins most commonly used for resisting stress are A, C, E, and pantothenic acid. The minerals magnesium, calcium, potassium and zinc can help in the first stages of stress, and sodium supplements may be needed in the last extreme stage of stress when the adrenals have been exhausted."

- Nutrition For Women


Importance of Various Orthomolecules in Maintaining Cellular and Protein Stability

"Other orthomolecules besides niacin would be potassium, vitamin E (improving oxygen supply, facilitating cell retention of proteins), inositol (stabilizer of cells and proteins against denaturing or dehydrating influences, Webb, 1965) the other B vitamins, vitamin C, anabolic steroids (for example, the androgens, and progesterone, ginseng, eleutherococcus) to promote protein synthesis and retention of potassium and creatine and ATP."

- Mind And Tissue Russian Research Perspectives on the Human Brain


ATP's Role in Cellular Stability

"In a muscle cell, the presence of ATP stabilizes the muscle in its relaxed state, and in any cell, similar associations between ATP and proteins stabilize the cell in a basic resting condition in which it favors the presence of potassium over sodium."

- March 2020 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Protein Interactions and Influence of Cardinal Adsorbents

"Everything that associates with a protein, such as potassium or ammonium, has an inductive effect on the protein’s structure and interactions with its surroundings, and substances that adsorb powerfully, especially ATP and steroids, have powerful influences on the properties of the system. Molecules that bind powerfully to proteins change the ways the proteins influence the properties of water, and the properties of water govern cells’ metabolism and their interactions with each other and with the environment. Ling called these influential binding molecules cardinal adsorbents."

- March 2020 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Estrogen's Effects on Tissue Water and Sodium-Potassium Ratio

"estrogen’s immediate effect on a responsive tissue is to cause it to take up water, and to increase its ratio of sodium to potassium; these changes lead to depolarization-activation of nerve, muscle, and some glandular cells, and of initiation of growth and cell division in other cell types. If the stimulation to growth process continued unchecked, or even accelerated, it’s obvious that form and proportion and organization would quickly be lost."

- 2000 - March


Estrogenic Activation and Cellular Water Dynamics

"Estrogenic activation, with the uptake of water and the loss of potassium (relative to intracellular sodium), is probably the simplest reaction a cell is capable of, and any specificity that can be found in the process is the result of pre-existing cellular conditions, or of defensive reactions of the organism."

- 2000 - March


Carbon Dioxide's Role in Cellular Ion Regulation

"The adsorptive effects of carbon dioxide, and a great variety of other chemical effects, modulate the cell’s structure_and function so that it retains far more potassium than sodium, and is able to excrete calcium while binding magnesium."

- 2000 - January - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Parathyroid Hormone Studies and Mineral Interchangeability

"About 88 years ago, W. K. Koch (who is known for his cancer therapy) studied the parathyroid hormone and its relation to tetany (prolonged muscle contraction) and convulsions, and was able to demonstrate that the major minerals, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are to some extent interchangeable in alleviating the tetany and convulsions produced by removal of the parathyroid gland, though magnesium was the most effective."

- 1999 - December- Ray Peat's Newsletter