Ray Peat on prostaglandins

Parathyroid Hormone's Effect on Hair Loss and Mast Cells

"In vitro experiments with hair follicles show that parathyroid hormone ends the growth cycle. Prostaglandin D2, associated with hair loss, is released from mast cells, and parathyroid hormone is an activator of mast cell degranulation. Hair growth has a 24 hour cycle, and the long cycle of hair shedding and renewal seems to be regulated by the genes involved in the daily cycle (Lin, et al., 2009). It’s possible that the daily cycle of parathyroid hormone is responsible for progressive hair loss,"

- September 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


The Oppositional Dynamics Between Estrogen and Progesterone and Their Biochemical Interactions

"This polar opposition of estrogen and progesterone also involves the polar antagonism of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, and to some extent a related antagonism of various prostaglandins (it has been suggested that this involves different populations of lysosomes, but I suspect it has to do with the superoxide dismutase enzyme system, and its inhibition or activation, since one of my assays to determine the action of estrogen turns out to be an inverse indicator of S.O.D. activity)."

- Nutrition For Women


Vitamin E's Protective Role in Progesterone Stability and Blood Pressure

"One theory of vitamin E action is that it protects progesterone. A recent discovery is that a prostaglandin (a hormone made from fatty acids) regulates blood pressure via the kidney — vitamin E protects fatty acids."

- Nutrition For Women


Lifestyle Choices to Slow Aging and Enhance Longevity

"Altitude and a milk based diet are obviously two important thermogenic factors that slow the accumulation of harmful adaptations, but there are many other controllable factors that could extend longevity even more. Reducing inflammatory factors is important, and personal choices can make a big difference, for example choosing easily digestible foods to reduce endotoxin, avoiding the polyunsaturated fatty acids that interfere with cell respiration and form inflammatory prostaglandins, avoiding antioxidant supplements that create a reductive excess, and choosing foods that contain antiinflammatory-thermogenic compounds, such as citrus fruits with their high content of flavonoids that support cell respiratory functions."

- November 2020 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Vicious Cycle of Estrogen and Inflammation

"the free fatty acids promote the effects of estrogen, and increase the formation of the inflammatory prostaglandins, which activate aromatase. Since estrogen increases lipolysis and elevates free fatty acids, and promotes their conversion to prostaglandins, this process initiated by stress easily becomes a selfsustaining vicious circle."

- November 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Thymus Gland Atrophy: Causes and Restorative Agents

"Some of the factors that cause atrophy of the thymus gland include cortisol and other glucocorticoid hormones, estrogen, prostaglandins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide, endotoxin, hypoglycemia, and ionizing radiation. Progesterone and thyroid hormone support restoration of the thymus gland, providing protection by opposing all of those agents of atrophy. An increase of sugar in the diet can correct some of the metabolic changes of aging"

- November 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


High Prostaglandin Levels in People with Autism

"People with autism have been found to have abnormally high levels of prostaglandin, isoprostanes, and leukotrienes,"

- May 2018 - Ray Peats Newsletter


Aspirin and Progesterone's Role in Combating Insomnia

"Using aspirin at bedtime, to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, is likely to be helpful in age related insomnia. Progesterone and vitamin E act in various ways to prevent excessive stimulation by prostaglandins."

- March 2018 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Endotoxin's Role in Activating Inflammatory Processes

"The endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide, has a general excitatory effect effect that activates cell inflammatory processes and damages energy production, with the mediation of cell products such as nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, serotonin, histamine, prostaglandins, estrogens, and various cytokines (interleukins and tumor necrosis factor,TNF). Some of these substances enter the blood stream from the intestine, others are produced elsewhere in the body, but some are produced in the brain itself, when endotoxin is absorbed into the brain"

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Parkinson's Disease: Iron, Nitric Oxide, and Prostaglandins Increase

"In people with Parkinson’s disease, increased amounts of iron, nitric oxide, and prostaglandins have been observed."

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Aging and PUFA Accumulation Increase Prostaglandin Production

"As our tissues accumulate polyunsaturated fats with aging, the production of prostaglandins becomes greater, and the balance is less likely to be fully repaired."

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Age-Related Brain Changes Enhanced by Estrogen

"With aging, iron and the polyunsaturated fats accumulate in the brain. Estrogen slows the removal of dopamine, increasing its opportunity to react toxically with iron and highly unsaturated fats, especially arachidonic acid and DHA; it also tends to increase the formation of prostaglandins and nitric oxide. Progesterone’s opposite effects probably account for the lower prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in women than in men."

- March 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Stress Buffers: Substances that Help Keep Metabolism on Track

"Several of these substances inhibit the liberation of free fatty acids and prostaglandin formation, and reduce nitric oxide, lactate production, inflammation, excitation and cholinergic tone, and what they all have in common is supporting a shift away from a highly reduced condition, a shift toward an oxidized-energized balance."

- March 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Reductive Stress Triggers Restorative Cellular Processes

"Reductive stress activates multiple layers of restorative processes (alternatives to the protective functions of carbon dioxide) to stimulate breathing, increase circulation, provide energy and materials for renewing cell structures. Prostaglandins, cytokines, estrogen, and nitric oxide are produced in coordinated ways, and cellular behaviors are changed defensively. The structures of the cell skeleton are modified, as the reductive chemistry changes protein disulfides to sulfhydryls, changing shapes and, most importantly, the solvent properties of the cell material."

- July 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Enzymatic Destruction of Active Hormones

"The active thyroid hormone, T3, is destroyed locally by a specific deiodinase, prostaglandins are produced by cyclooxygenase, estrogen by aromatase, and nitric oxide by its synthase. These enzymes are activated by chemical reduction of their disulfide groups, converting them to thiols,"

- July 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Aging Increases Brain Fatty Acids

"As the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids increases with aging, some arachidonic acid becomes incorporated into the brain, and, especially during the night, the highly unsaturated fatty acids amplify the excitatory processes, including the formation of prostaglandins and other inflammation-producing compounds."

- January 2017 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Interconnected Biochemical Responses

"estrogen, nitric oxide, prostaglandins, and parasympathetic nerve activity commonly occur simultaneously, and it happens that a substance which inhibits one of those will often inhibit the others."

- January 2016 - Ray Peat's Newsletter


Steroid Hormones' Integral Role in Animal Physiology

"The steroid hormones are involved in all aspects of animal physiology, and overlap with control functions of the nervous system, peptide hormones, metabolites, prostaglandins, cyclic nucleotides, etc"

- Generative Energy Restoring The Wholeness Of Life


Relation Between Injury Potential and Inflammation

"Injury potential and inflammation are closely related; for example, I found that sunburned skin, or skin irritated by the application of a prostaglandin, had a negative polarity relative to normal adjacent skin."

- 1998 - Ray Peat's Newsletter - 2


Prostaglandins in Cancer and Aspirin's Therapeutic Potential

"The prostaglandins were discovered in prostatic fluid, where they occur in significant concentrations. They are so deeply involved with the development of cancers of all sorts that aspirin and other prostaglandin inhibitors should be considered as a basic part of cancer therapy."

- 1998 - May Ray Peat's Newsletter


Free Fatty Acids and Estrogen Interactions in Metabolism

"Estrogens cause elevation of free fatty acids, and there are many interactions between the unsaturated fatty acids and estrogen, including their metabolism to prostaglandins, and their peroxidation."

- 1998 - May Ray Peat's Newsletter


Estrogen Actions Beyond Receptors in Cancerization Process

"many of estrogen’s most important actions dont involve the receptors. A direct excitatory action on prostate cells, and indirect actions by way of the pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal, fatty acids, prostaglandins, histamine and circulation are probably essential parts of the cancenzation process."

- 1998 - May Ray Peat's Newsletter


Caffeine's Beneficial Effects on Thyroid and Inflammation

"I think some of the beneficial effects of caffeine result from its stimulation of the thyroid gland, and of normal respiration. While it stimulates normal respiration it has an anti-inflammatory action, which probably involves both prostaglandin regulation and an antioxidant action. It is chemically very similar to our natural antioxidant, uric acid, and it raises the level of uric acid in both the blood"

- 1990 - May - - Ray Peat's Newsletter